Category Archives: Uncategorized

Super Duper Long Post Part #2

#5. On a rainy day play all the board game classics.

#8. Buy some Vans.

#10. Get my scorpian.

#12. Get an awesome tan.

#14. Actually wear my sunglasses this summer.

#18. Make a lava lamp.

#23. Superglue a quarter to the ground. Wait and watch.

#27. Throw a surprise party for my sister.

#33. Send a Disney princess a letter.

#35. Plant flowers.

#41. Go to an amusement park. Ride all the rides.

#59. Make strawberry lemonade.

#60. Practice soccer and lacrosse.

#61. Celebrate 5 random holidays.

#67. See a midnight showing of a movie.

#68. Write something I’m proud of.

#72. Learn something new everyday.

#73. Make a “Summer Memories Jar.”

#75. Leave books around my neighborhood.

#78. Make an inspiration door.

#96. Splatter paint.

#103. Count my blessings.

#107. Go to the beach.

#108. Swim. Swim. Swim.

#110. Go rollerskating.

#115. Have fun. 🙂

So these are the last couple bucket list items I completed before the end of the summer. I don’t really feel like writing something about every single one, so I’m not going to. Anyway I’m disappointed with how I kept up this blog this year, but I’ll still be back next year and hopefully it will go better next year.

Till next summer,


A Super Duper Long Post

113. Go someplace new.

When I created this bucket list post I was thinking more on the lines of going to the jungles of Costa Rica. Instead I went to….Boston. And it was nice. Lots of history, beautiful (if cloudy weather) and some really delicious food. It was a fun trip, just not the exotic adventure I was imagining.

Pretty much what I saw in Boston

Pretty much what I saw in Boston

101. Make popsicles.  

I decided to make yogurt pops, as opposed to fruit juice popsicles, because they sounded creamy, fruity, and delicious. Sadly I was less than impressed with the finished project. For some reason they came out tasting bland and now I have 23 popsicles taking up space in my freezer. Next time I will definitely make fruit juice pops.

yay another collage

99. See a play musical.

Exactly a week ago my family went on a little day trip to The Sight & Sound Music Theater. The Sight & Sound is hard to describe because they don’t perform normal musicals. Instead they reenact stories from the Bible…in  musical form. So yeah it’s a little crazy and not at all accurate, but nonetheless it’s a lot of fun. We saw  the story of Noah and the Ark this time and one of the coolest things about it was that they used live animals during the performance. I think it’s pretty darn amusing and everyone should give it a try.

91. Have a garage sale.

I have a bit of a confession to make…we had our garage sale in the beginning of June. I know, I know, I’ve been really horrible about keeping you guys updated this year. And now here we are, the end of summer looming and I’m just now telling you about something that happened in June. Anyway I’d say the garage sale was a success, considering we sold almost everything. However it took 2 weeks of preparation and we only made $450. Oh well, at least our house is a little less cluttered now.

90. Tie dye white shorts.

When my sister and I explored our little “neighborhood” while we were down the beach we came across a little shack called “Island Dyes.” Intrigued we ventured inside to discover it was a tie-dye place. You purchased a white piece of clothing from them and they folded it into the design you desired, then your were free to dye it as you liked. However they did not sell pants so we left and went to one of the many gift shops, so I could buy a pair of white cotton “booty shorts.” The below picture is the end product.


87. Have a fancy tea party.

This bucket list item was actually really fun. My mother and sister and I all got dressed up nice and fancy and went downtown to a historic little tea shoppe. It was adorable! From the floral rugs to the teapots lining the walls the whole thing made me imagine that it was the 1800s and we were in Britain, about to enjoy our afternoon tea and crumpets. Also the tea and food was delicious. I’m not really a tea drinker, I usually only drink it when I have a sore throat, but I had the White Orchard tea and it was absolutely divine. And although we didn’t have crumpets, we did have honeydew cucumber salad, sliced pears, dill slaw, scones with fresh English clotted cream, jam, and lemon curd, watermelon, grapes, a cheese platter, and for dessert German chocolate cake and lemon bars. It was a ton of food, but it was all delicious and so light I just had to eat every bite! I definitely want to go back to try more teas (they even have a chocolate tea!)

Tea Time

84. Get waffles from The Waffle Truck.

Ever since this winter when I discovered my town has a freaking waffle truck, I’ve been obsessed with trying it out. And when I never got around to doing it I decided it would be best if I put it on the bucket list.  And let me tell you; these were no ordinary waffles. No other waffle will ever compare (well until I actually go to Belgium and get myself a Belgium waffle) but for now my taste buds are still salivating for more. The only downside is it’s extremely hard to track down the truck, but whatever the waffles were amazing.

get in my belly

66. Start a collection.

For my 15th birthday my mom gave me a little “lucky turtle” charm since turtles and tortious’ are my favorite animal. And thus began my turtle collection. So far it’s relatively small, but I’m sure in a few years I’ll have a nice size collection.

My turtle ring and necklace.

My turtle ring and necklace.

Little Lucky Turtle

63. Go scootering.

So I found this “scootering tour” online and it sounded entertaining. You go out on a scooter (which is basically a tamer version of a motorcycle) and you have a tour guide lead you around the historic part of my city for 2 hours. To keep it short and sweet: it didn’t end very well.

62. Record a vlog for a week.

Ok so I’ve had a bit of trouble uploading the videos. However I did indeed complete this bucket list item. And it was pretty fun, I just wished I had something better than my iPhone to shoot the videos with.

52. Go to a drive-in movie theater.

This whole time I thought they were called drive-thru movies, when really they’re called drive-in movies. Anyway it was a bit of a drive to get to the movie (haha see what I did there?), but it was IMG_3630 worth it. I mean we got to see three movies for 10 dollars! Crazy, right? Plus the screen was huge and the whole setup thing made me think we were in the 1920’s. Also the snack bar was much cheaper and there was more variety (I’m talking ice cream floats, hamburgers, veggie wraps, etc.) However the IMG_3637first movie didn’t start till eight, so we ended up leaving after the second movie. We saw Despicable Me 2 and The Smurfs 2 (the last movie was Grown Ups 2). Despicable Me 2 was adorable and I liked it better than the first one. Smurfs 2 was extremely cheesy, but considering it only cost 10 bucks per car to see, I’d say it was worth it. Anyway I technically wasn’t allowed to take pictures, but of course I did anyway.


46. Make a peach cobbler.

So I didn’t realize until after I had made my recipe that a peach cobbler is something completely different from a peach crisp. And what I really wanted to make was a peach crisp. But nonetheless the peach cobbler was fun and easy to make and turned out pretty good. I just would have preferred a peach crisp. Oh well I guess I’ll have to make it next summer. Word of advice: Make sure not to leave your peaches outside at night or you just might wake up the next morning to a raccoon on your porch. 😉IMG_3839

 IMG_3867 IMG_3874 IMG_3883

49. Walk to Dunkin’ Donuts for breakfast.

Towards the beginning of summer they opened a Dunkin’ Donuts about a mile away from my house. There’s really not much to say about this other than the fact that I did it. Woo hoo. (No pictures, sorry.)

44. Go paddleboating.

I haven’t been paddleboating in forever, so I was really looking forward to completing this task. And it was just as fun as I remembered. The day was beautiful and the water was packed with fish of all kinds, turtles resting in the sun, and baby geese following their moms around. Plus we had the entire lake to ourselves. Last time I went I remember my legs getting tired after a while, but not this time. We paddled for an hour and it wasn’t hard in the least.

Lilypads Looky at me

IMG_362638. Color a pair of white canvas shoes.

I didn’t actually color them, I tie-dyed them. they were really easy to do and they turned out fantastic! I can’t wait to where them on the first day of school. I love DIY activities. IMG_3584

32. Go to the fair.

I haven’t been to fair since I was in elementary school. And my sister would always go every year so I was pretty jealous and decided I needed to go this year. My mother and I went together (because I’m cool like that) and it was nice because we went during the day so it wasn’t too crowded. We got to see all the animals including baby bunnies which were so adorable they didn’t even look real. Then we looked through all the 4-H projects, which was pretty cool as well. Last stop was the actual carnival part- rides, food, games, the whole shebang. We got on a few rides, but of course they were outrageously expensive. What I really wanted to do was play the game where you can win a fish because I am the at that game. Last time I won eight fish using 40 balls. This time I won six fish using 20 balls. The boys playing next to me had 40 balls and they thought they were so cool when they won three fish, but don’t worry I made sure they realized I am the supreme queen at the fish game.  Last, but not least, we stopped and got lemonades and funnel cake. It was the perfect end to a busy, hectic day.picstitch[1]

30. Make a new friend.

I made a new friend while volunteering. Her name is Whitney and she’s similar to me- a little nerdy, very driven, petite, and talkative. I really thought this list item was going to be impossible to complete but it ended up being one of the easier ones. So far Whitney and I have yet to hang out, outside of volunteering but we’re planning on getting together sometime soon.

29. Volunteer.

This year I put in an application to volunteer at the zoo (which is where I met Whitney). The program is open to high school aged kids and is pretty competitive to get accepted into, so I was ecstatic when my acceptance email came. It was incredible. I got to go behind the scenes at the zoo where I got to pet a rhino and zebra, hold a Golden frog, pet a serval, and care for a gecko. Plus we also got to clean out some of the animal cages, worked with the public at education stations, explored the old abandoned Mammal House, saw a goat getting dental work done, and had a chance to meet and talk with the zoo staff. I also learned a lot about animals, conservation, plants, and habitat loss. For me the program really excited me, because a lot of the work the zoo staff does, is what I want to do when I’m older. I really can’t express how amazing the experience was for me and I can’t wait to go back next summer when I can work with the penguins!

A small sampling of the critters I met at the zoo.

A small sampling of the critters I met at the zoo.

25. Do something out of my comfort zone.

This one complies with #25. I knew volunteering at the zoo would require some public speaking, which is one of the things that makes me extremely nervous, so I wasn’t sure how I would do with that. But it turned out fine, and I’m so incredibly happy I stepped out of my comfort zone and was able to have a really awesome experience.

Anyways guys, sorry for the super long post but it was the easiest way to quickly update you on all the things I’ve done. I’m going to be making a couple more of these long posts in order to completely catch you guys up. but for now that’s all and we still have one week left of summer!

May the summer be ever in your favor,


#28. Do the Cinnamon Challenge

Warning: This video contains a lot of ugly faces, coughing, gurgling, and spitting. Oh and it was also filmed on an iPhone, so that’s pretty horrific. Watch at your own risk.

You’re all familiar with the cinnamon craze that exploded onto the Youtube scene about two years ago, correct? If you have no idea what I’m talking about than consider yourself immensely lucky as you are one of the few lucky individuals who have had the pleasure of not taking part in the Cinnamon Challenge. I, up until a week ago, was also one of those rare people who decided to skip the whole cinnamon madness. However as soon as the fad passed I began to have a gnawing curiosity to find out exactly how bad the cinnamon challenge really was. So with a bit of free time on my hands I decided that it was time to finally find out the answer to this burning question. My final verdict? It is horrible. To be more precise; the first five seconds will trick you into thinking it actually isn’t that bad. But then things will take a turn for the worse and your nose will begin to burn, your mouth is zapped of moisture and all you can taste is an overwhelming amount of cinnamon that makes your eyes water and your head ache. Even after gulping down and gurgling two huge glasses of milk, my throat still felt raw and my nose burned terribly. In fact the burning didn’t subside until the next day. To say the least: I don’t even like cinnamon toast anymore.

(On another note: this video is the first one I’ve done for my week-long vlog challenge. Also my tank top was messed up in this entire video. Does this bug anyone else like it bugs me?)

May the summer be ever in your favor,


Megan Updates Y’all

#14. Spend a Whole Day Relaxing

This one’s pretty self explanatory. I napped in the sun, caught up on some reading and lounged around the house. Easy peasy.

#10. Celebrate a Foreign Holiday

This item is a repeat from last years list. However I liked it so much I decided to do it again. As apposed to last year when my friends and I celebrated Indonesia’s Independence Day this year I celebrated Bastille Day. Basically Bastille Day celebrates when the French stormed the Bastille Prison on July 14th, 1789. This “battle” marked the beginging of the French Revolution. Of course I’m sure there’s a whole bunch more that happened but that’s about all I learned from my research. Anyway to celebrate I colored a French flag and then went to a French cafe in my area that had a big celebration. Woo.

#1. Go kayaking.

I absolutely love canoeing and kayaking. Sadly I don’t get to do either very often. So I knew I had to complete this bucket list item before the end of summer. It was pretty uneventful but fun. My mother and I went to a lake near our house, rented a kayak for an hour and that was that. Eventually a splashing war broke out and at one point my mom answered a call when we were in the middle of the lake. Oh and I also named the two packs of ducks the Capulets and Montagues since they seemed to dislike each other.

#72. Stay outside for twelve hours straight.

Here’s how that went down:

  • 9:00- 12:00 – went to the beach
  • 12:30- 1:30 – jet skiied
  • 1:30- 2:00 – did bumper boats
  • 2:00- 3:00 – had lunch outside
  • 3:00- 4:30 – mini golfed
  • 4:30- 4:45 – ok so we did have to drive but technically I think it still counts as tweleve hours straight
  • 4:45-5:30 – walked the sand dunes
  • 5:30- 6:45 – had dinner outside
  • 6:45-7:00 – snowcones outside
  • 7:00- 8:15 – watched fireworks outside
  • 8:15- 9:20 – walked the beach one more time

May the summer be ever in your favor,


I’m Back!!!!!

Whoops as you can see I didn’t follow thru with my whole “I’m going to write a ton of posts now” promise. But today I’m pumped up and ready to write! Let’s do this thing!

#58. Pierce my bellybutton.

image[1] (13)

If you followed my bucket listing adventures last year you’ll probably remember my fear of needles. Actually forget fear- it’s a full on phobia. I despise needles and blood and things that poke you. I run away at the mention of shots and hide in the parking lot of the doctor’s office until we leave (true story). If they happen to catch me I scream, bite, kick, wiggle, squirm and just make a total fool of myself. But not anymore. After my diagnoses of Crohn’s last year I needed to be put on a medicine that required weekly blood tests. My doctors gave me two options: A) continue to have symptoms and feel miserable for the rest of my life or B) get over my feel of needles so I could take the medicine and get better. Obviously I chose the better of the two options and I’m now in medicated remission (which basically means I no longer feel bad with the help of medicine. The downside is without the medicine I flare and the symptoms come back, but we’re working on it so all is well). Ok that’s enough back story; the fact of the matter is that I no longer have a phobia of needles. So when my sister went to get her first tattoo (ouch! now that’s something I’d never do) I decided I wanted to be “cool” and get a belly button ring. I was hesitant at first and I wasn’t positive I would even go through with it but then I had a surge of confidence and plopped myself in the chair; ready to get pierced. Of course my belly button had to be disinfected first and while I’m glad she cleaned it thoroughly, by the time she was finished my bout of confidence was lost and I was close to backing out. But then with a quick one, two, three…the ring was in and I was finished! So I’m not going to lie and say it didn’t hurt; because it did, but I’m glad I did it and if you want one I would definitely recommend it.

Anyway I’m off to write some more posts!

May the summer be ever in your favor,


A Bit of Writers Block?

First off I want to apologize for abandoning this blog for a while. The last time I posted about my bucket list adventures was in June! But I suppose I have a “sort of ” reason behind my disappearance. Lately I’ve just been feeling…blah. I’d been completing bucket list items left and right but when it came time to write about them I just couldn’t. I would feel distracted and twitchy and unable to sit down and put effort into blog posts. And the more I put it off the more posts I needed to make and that just added to the pressure I was feeling. So finally I decided the best thing to do was go on a hiatus. However my hiatus applied only to the blog- I have continued to make process with the bucket list and I finally feel ready to catch you all up with what I’ve done this summer. So prepare for a plethora of posts coming your way soon.

May the summer be ever in your favor,


Here’s a picture of my dog wearing sunglasses to make up for my lack of posts:


Singing and Dancing in the Rain

#37. Create a summer playlist.

#108. Dance in the rain. image[1]

I love rain. I love those days when the sky is gray and the world is hushed and quiet. I like the way the world seems to fall into a sort of humming silence on rainy days. I’m not saying I would like to live in a world where it only rained, because I wouldn’t, but I do enjoy the rain. And because of that I decided that I would try to dance in the rain while it was pouring – a little ode to those childhood days when I would splash in  puddles and run around until I was soaked to the bone. For the week or so I’ve been out of school I’d say half of those days have been rainy. However I was looking for a downpour and all I was getting was a drizzle. Finally about two days ago the heavy dark clouds of a storm rolled in. I waited patiently and when the sky opened up and released a torrent of rain I dashed out side. Within minutes my clothes were soaked and I was dancing with a fury I didn’t know I possessed. The storm lasted all of ten minutes and then it was back indoors to change out of my wet attire. All I can say is I had a splashin’ good time.

May the summer be ever in your favor,



Last Day of School Celebration

image[1] (8)My freshman year came to an official end on June 6th, 2013 at noon. I meandered out of my classroom where I had just finished a grueling two-hour history final. To say the least I was in shock. That was it. That was my whole freshmen year. My first year of high school was over and all I felt in the pit of my stomach was a gnawing sense that I had just wasted a pivotal year in my life by worrying about tests and grades, instead of focusing on myself. Isn’t there more to life than the marks you get in school? Was the anxiety really worth it? The answer is no. No, it was not worth it and I most definitely regret some of the choices I made this year. But that’s life and you live and you learn. And I guess you’re always going to have some form of regret.But don’t worry I made sure not to start my summer in a cloud of despair. In fact I did the opposite and had myself a little party of three. And in eight hours, with the help of my friends, I managed to complete four bucket list items.

#86. Spontaneous photo shoot with friends.

image[1] (7)

After a quick lunch of pizza and a stop at the frozen yogurt shop my two friends and I arrived at my house. We quickly changed into our bathing suits and headed for the nearest pool. A look at the deserted parking lot and instantly we knew something was up. The pool was closed but we still had hope that another pool would be open. Stop two and we realized it’s a pool for those fifty and older. With sinking hearts we pulled into the parking lot of pool #3. With baited breath we ran to the gate and saw that lifeguards appeared to be setting the pool up. A look at the schedule posted and we saw that the pool was scheduled to open in a half hour. So what did we decided to do for  thirty minutes? Have a spontaneous photo shoot on a playground of course. The pictures scattered around this post are a sampling of the many photos taken. The quality is sub par as they were taken on an iPhone, but nonetheless we all had fun.

    image[3] (2)

#40. Have a burning party.

image[1] (6)After a half hour was up we walked back to the pool expecting the gates to be wide open. Alas they were not and even worse there was no sign of the lifeguards! With a feeling of image[4]dread I realized there was only one more pool we could possibly go to. With our fingers crossed we headed to the last pool and were met with the glorious sight of opened gates. Success! We swam for a few hours in the freezing cold water and then it was back to my house for a burning party. If you aren’t familiar with the concept, a burning party is not a disturbing ritual involving the sacrifice of baby animals but rather a chance for elated students to burn all their school papers at the end of the year. I suppose it’s similar the book burnings of the second World War, however instead of burning classic literature to suppress the population from gaining too much knowledge we simply burned useless notes, failed tests, and boring worksheets. What’s interesting is that all our hard work and effort was put into those assignments and we were willing, even happy, to burn them without a second thought.  To ashes, to ashes indeed.image[4] (3)

#96. Fluffy Bunny /#99. Make s’mores.

Once again if you’re not familiar with the term, Fluffy Bunny is a “challenge” where you stuff as many marshmallows into your mouth as you can. After each marshmallow you have to say “fluffy bunny.” I’m not sure the point of the game, but I will admit I was intrigued as to how well I would do. Before starting I guessed that with my chipmunk cheeks I could probably hold up to ten marshmallows, however by the time I had three in my mouth I was seriously doubting my ability to hold four much less ten. The marshmallows quickly became a gooey mass in my mouth and sticky saliva dripped down my chin. I hit my limit at six, when my gag reflex kicked in and I heaved the mess of marshmallows up. The sticky lump fell in my hand and I quickly threw it into the fire. Next my friends tried and the results were as followed: 6, 6, 4. After that experience none of us were thrilled at the idea of s’mores, however five minutes later we had forgotten our ordeal and were roasting marshmallows. Let’s just say s’mores are much better than the Fluffy Bunny challenge.

image[1] (3) image[2] (2) image[1] (5)

All in all it was the perfect way to kick off the summer!

May the summer be ever in your favor,


#2. Go to a concert.

Losing him was blue like I’d never known
Missing him was dark grey all alone
Forgetting him was like trying to know somebody you never met
But loving him was red

My favorite thing about concerts has to be the sense of unity between everybody. I love the way complete strangers start conversing together and how everyone knows every line to every song. I love the way everyone just lets loose for one night.  

ggWay back in December my sister stayed attached to her computer for two hours in order to secure three tickets to Taylor Swifts’s Red Tour. After five months I had nearly forgotten about the concert image[2]until the week of when my mother mentioned our tickets had come in the mail. Anyway if you hadn’t guessed my sister, her friend and I all went to a Taylor Swift concert this past weekend. In order to get to the concert venue we had to take the lightrail. The tram was packed full of people all buzzing about the concert and trying to guess what songs she would sing and what costumes she would wear. After fifteen stops we finally reached our destination and  were greeted with an overwhelming amount of people dressed in Taylor Swift memorabilia. After fighting through the crowd we enter the concert venue and immediately I lost my sister in the crowd. Alone and without my phone I nearly started hyperventilating. However my sister managed to find me quickly and for the rest of the concert she forced me to hold her hand.  To say the least I was mortified. Here I am, nearly fifteen years old and I still need my sister to hold my hand. Despite the embarrassment and the fact that a bottle of water and some fries cost fifteen dollars the rest of the concert was amazing. Ed Sheeran who was the opening act was absolutely FotoFlexer_Photodsbrilliant. And Taylor’s performance was terrific. She performed every song from her latest album as well as some of her older songs. My favorite part was when she got off stage and ran through the crowd to perform on a smaller stage that was literally only three feet away from our seats. Even better Ed Sheeran joined her on the smaller stage and together they sang their song Everything Has Changed. It was one of those perfect nights that I’ll remember  for years to come and I think it was a fanatastic way to start the summer.

May the summer be ever in your favor,


(First post for Summer 2013! I’m a little rusty with this whole blogging thing, but I’m sure I’ll get into the swing of things after a few posts.  Anyway just wanted to say thanks to everyone who reads my posts and follows my blog. You guys are the best!)

Bucket List 2013

The 2013 bucket list is up! I’m sorry I’m two days late on posting it, but I’ve been crazy busy with end of the year school shenanigans. Anyway remember summer starts June 1st. So be ready, because this is going to be one heck of a summer.

2013 Bucket List:

  1. Go canoeing or kayaking.
  2. Go to a concert.
  3. Have a massive water fight.
  4. Hula hoop, jump rope, and play hop scotch.
  5. On a rainy day play all the board game classics.
  6. Sticky note a car.
  7. Get a 12 scoop sundae.
  8. Make a smoothie using bike power.
  9. Buy some Vans.
  10. Celebrate a foreign holiday.
  11. Get my splits and scorpion.
  12. Make a glitter piñata.
  13. Get an awesome tan.
  14. Spend a whole day relaxing.
  15. Rock a red lip and sunglasses.
  16. Fork a yard.
  17. Bicycle spokes notes.
  18. Message balloons.
  19. Coke & Mentos experiment.
  20. Play on a slip and slide.
  21. Do yoga as the sun rises.
  22. Take a Zumba class.
  23. Participate in The Thirty Hour Famine.
  24. Superglue a quarter to the ground. Wait and watch.
  25. Destroy a watermelon.
  26. Go paintballing.
  27. Learn sign language.
  28. Have a BBQ.
  29. Do the cinnamon challenge.
  30. Volunteer.
  31. Make a new friend.
  32. Be spontaneous.
  33. Go to the carnival.
  34. Go crabbing.
  35. Go fishing.
  36. Plant flowers.
  37. Create a summer playlist.
  38. Get a JUMBO snowcone.
  39. Color a pair of white canvas shoes.
  40. Have a burning party.
  41. Play messy twister.
  42. Go to an amusement park- ride all rides.
  43. Go rock climbing.
  44. Have a movie marathon.
  45. Go paddle boating.
  46. Go peach picking.
  47. Make a peach cobbler.
  48. Make peach iced tea.
  49. Create a chalk masterpiece.
  50. Walk to Dunkin’ Donuts for breakfast.
  51. Get a tan tattoo.
  52. Get a henna tattoo.
  53. Go to a drive-thru movie.
  54. Finger paint on canvas.
  55. Fix my crayon art.
  56. Throw a paper airplane off a bridge.
  57. Train for a 5K.
  58. Pierce my bellybutton.
  59. Have a lemonade stand.
  60. Make strawberry lemonade.
  61. Practice soccer and lacrosse.
  62. Create a music video.
  63. Record a vlog for a week.
  64. Use a Polaroid camera.
  65. Learn how to play poker.
  66. Free Hugs sign.
  67. Plank because why not?
  68. Start a collection of something.
  69. See a midnight showing of a movie.
  70. Wake before 8:00 am every day.
  71. Write something every day.
  72. Stay outside for 12 hours straight.
  73. Do the 5 dollar challenge.
  74. Have breakfast a midnight.
  75. Go hiking.
  76. Learn something new every day.
  77. Make a “Summer Memory Jar”
  78. Sleep under the stars.
  79. No-budget shopping spree.
  80. Attempt the accent challenge.
  81. Attempt new hairstyles.
  82. Take a photo every day of summer.
  83. Say yes to everything for a day.
  84. Go vegan for a week.
  85. Take a midnight stroll.
  86. Spontaneous photo shoot with friends.
  87. Get waffles from The Waffle Truck.
  88. Plan a successful prank.
  89. Go on a picnic.
  90. Have a fancy tea party. Crustless cucumber sandwiches included.
  91. Spend the day doing ridiculous things.
  92. Roll down a giant hill.
  93. Tie dye white shorts.
  94. Have a corn on the cob eating contest.
  95. Watch the sunset and the sunrise on the same day.
  96. Go coning.
  97. TP someone’s house.
  98. When driving shout encouragements to runners.
  99. Make s’mores.
  100. Splatter paint.
  101. Take a picture with a random stranger.
  102. See another Shakespeare production.
  103. Play tennis.
  104. Make popsicles.
  105. Make box cars.
  106. Make dessert lasagna.
  107. Make my bedroom Tumblr worthy.
  108. Dance in the rain.
  109. Run every day.
  110. Release floating lanterns.
  111. Go to the beach.
  112. Swim a lot.
  113. Put soap in a public fountain.
  114. Go rollerskating.
  115. Get iced coffee.
  116. Go somewhere new.
  117. Go ziplining.
  118. Eat cake without hands.
  119. Have fun.

May the summer be ever in your favor,
